Ants and Rabbits – Are ants harmful to rabbits?

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While discovering ants in your rabbit’s hutch might be terrifying, in most circumstances, it’s not that big of a concern. For this article, I performed a lot of research to enhance my own personal bunny knowledge, and I’ll reveal what sorts of ants are genuinely harmful for rabbits, as well as how to get ants from a rabbit cage.

Let’s go right to the point, shall we?

Are Ants Dangerous To Rabbits?

In general, most species of ants aren’t a threat to rabbits. The vast majority of outdoor ant species aren’t dangerous to bunnies, and even those that are really don’t pose a threat to your pet’s safety. Poisonous ants and swarming ants are the two main characteristics of deadly ant species. These ants are quite rare.

Ants found in the home are not harmful and do not form swarms. 

Three of the most frequent types of ants seen inside homes are the Carpenter Ant, Odours House Ant, and Pavement Ant. There is no threat to pet rabbits from any of these ant species.

While certain ant species are known to be deadly to rabbits, the mass of the ants would just inflict discomfort and stress if they had been actually bit.

Even the Bullet Ant, which gets its name from its excruciatingly painful bite, would not endanger a rabbit.

‘Siafu, the African ant, could easily kill a rabbit,’ on the other hand (and even humans). Several of the most toxic and dangerous ants can only be found in Africa or Australia.

Red or Fire Ants, which may be observed in several regions of the world, including the United States, are the most prevalent deadly ant.

Can Fire Ants Kill Rabbits?

Several incidences of rabbits being killed by red fire ants have been recorded from around the United States and the world. As many as a thousand bites in a short amount of time is not uncommon for fire-ant-infested areas, which is why they are harmful.

Outside rabbits are the only ones at risk from these ants, although the risk is actually rather minimal. Despite the fact that fire ants are ubiquitous in the Midwest of the United States, my family has kept outside rabbits for years without incident.

Red fire ants prey on young rabbits, so keep an eye out for them.

“When they are born, newborn bunnies can’t move, are barely furred, and are coated in mucus that fire ants can detect,” Elizabeth Forys who is an environmental scientist at Eckerd College has remarked. “Rabbit mothers can’t lift their kids by the scruff of their necks and transport them. As a result, when the ants migrate in, the baby rabbits are attacked and finally eaten.”

Red ants may be seen in the video below attacking a litter of rabbits. Despite the fact that the bunnies appear to have been spared, you may want to think twice before watching this video.

It’s important to note that red fire ants aren’t merely a threat to young rabbits. A fire ant nest can pose a threat to even older rabbits if their outdoor cage is located too close to it.

Older rabbits face the greatest risk to their eyes and vision. Swarming fire ants assault the eyes of bigger animals as a natural tendency. Open sores on the eyes may develop to infections even if the bites don’t cause immediate substantial harm.

Get your rabbit to the vet as early as possible if they’ve been bitten by a fire ant in the eye.

Why Are Ants Attracted To Rabbit Hutches?

Ants are drawn to rabbit hutches because of the abundance of food they may find there. In addition to rabbit pellets, they also find flies and other insects. Rabbit cages are more attractive to ants during dry times because water is more readily available to the rabbits.

Preventing Ants In A Rabbit Cage

As a precautionary measure, you should maintain the rabbit’s cage and its surroundings clean enough so that possible food sources are eliminated or reduced. There are a variety of ant feeding sources that include rabbit pellets, insects, and rabbit treats.

Make sure your rabbit doesn’t have any unconsumed pellets in its cage. Pellets are only a minor part of a rabbit’s nutritious diet, so this should be straightforward.

You’ll also want to make sure that you’ve dealt with any bugs which are naturally attracted to hutches. Flies, earwigs, and spiders are all examples of them. 

Will Ants Bite Your Rabbit?

There are a few things you can do to keep your pet rabbit safe from ant bites. If an ant bites your rabbit, it’s unlikely that they’ll even realize it.

When threatened, ants will attack rabbits, even if they don’t want to.

As we explained before, there are a few varieties of ants that have extremely painful or even deadly bites. Check for redness or swelling when your bunny is clawing at the same location repeatedly. The bite site swells and itches if the ant was a highly venomous kind.

Keep an eye out for symptoms of illness if you see a swelling or uncomfortable bite on your rabbit. Take your rabbit to the vet if you see any signs of infection.

One or two days is the normal healing time for a rabbit’s ant bite.

Are Ant Traps Safe For Rabbits?

The use of ant traps should be avoided in areas where pets such as rabbits might get into the traps. When it comes to curiosity, rabbits have it in abundance. Toxic poison is commonly used in ant traps and ant bait, which may cause harm or death to rabbits. It would be extremely difficult to remove other ant traps from your bunny’s fur if they were made of sticky material.

Bait stations contain poison and can be used to target ants and other pests. Do not allow your rabbit to come into contact with either the ant bait or any dead or dying insects that may have fallen from the ant traps themselves.

If an inquisitive rabbit eats one poisoned ant, it should be OK. However, a curious bun who eats a load of poisoned ants can be a danger. Personally, I wouldn’t take the risk of doing so.

Is Ant Poison Dangerous To Rabbits?

A large number of ant poisons are harmful to rabbits. Even modest doses of ant poison may cause rabbits to experience gastrointestinal discomfort and bowel issues. Here are some pet-safe ant poisons that could be used to rid of ants around rabbits, including some DIY methods for getting rid of ants.

Ant Killers That Are Safe For Bunnies

A careful investigation yielded this list of ant killers that are safe for bunnies and can keep ants out of a rabbit cage. Each of these ant killers for pets is safe for rabbits as well. 

Diatomaceous Earth

Natural ant killers like diatomaceous earth are quite effective. For humans and pet rabbits, it is entirely harmless, however for ants, it is fatal. Humans are not at risk since they can ingest food-grade diatomaceous earth.

The product’s outstanding feature is that it works on insects with exoskeletons of various types. You can use this product around your home, in your yard, or wherever else you see fit. Your rabbit won’t be harmed by it as long as they don’t breathe it in because it doesn’t contain any harmful substances.


Using mint to keep ants away is among the most effective natural methods.  For rabbits, mint is absolutely harmless as well as effective as a natural pest repellent. It’s even good for your rabbit, who will get plenty of nutrition from it. It is safe for your rabbit to consume the flowers, leaves, and stems of the plant.

Because ants despise the fragrance of mint, they tend to avoid it. Mint may be planted near your rabbit’s cage to deter ants. Use peppermint oil to deter ants by rubbing it all over the cage area.

Vinegar Or Lemon Juice: 

A 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water can also be used to get rid of the ants. It’s even possible to create an all-purpose spray out of a 1:13 mixture of lemon, vinegar, and water.

Just spray these treatments on the ants and they’ll be gone in no time. It’s a great way to get rid of ants without hurting your rabbit.

Cayenne Pepper Or Black Pepper

Ants dislike cayenne and black pepper, among other things. To keep the ants out of your house or rabbit areas, discover the place where the ants are coming in. Afterwards, sprinkle the ants with any of these powders, or build a powder barrier in front of them.

The ants will not be killed by this procedure, but they will be prevented from entering your home. While your bunny is around, do not scatter the powder. Before applying the powder, move your rabbit to a different location, because it will not be pleased if the powder is consumed.


For destroying ants, you can also sprinkle cinnamon on them and/or on their nests. Cinnamon can cause ants to choke and die. Cinnamon essential oil is also a fantastic option.

Using the oil, just clean the area where the pest is entering. It is safe for rabbits to eat a modest amount of cinnamon because they are omnivores. It has no effect on their well-being.

Beneficial Nematodes

To get the most out of this strategy, you’ll need the right conditions. Ants may be killed swiftly and easily with this. The nematodes must be sprayed on the anthills. Nevertheless, if the area on which you’re spraying is excessively hot or agitated by animal movement or water, its efficacy will fall short.

EcoSMART Insect Killer Granules

Insecticides developed by EcoSMART are another popular product on the market. All-natural pesticides are the primary purpose of the company, and they do this by combining natural plant oils with insecticides, which protects your pet rabbits and children from sickness without inflicting harm while causing harm to insects.

Active components in the product prevent insects from passing through the neutral channels. These are known as octopamine receptors. As a result, it is safe for humans, plants, and animals.

In addition to being non-destructive, it also has a pleasant, clean scent. Many different insects are controlled and killed by this product, including cockroaches and other crawling insects like sowbugs and pillbugs; ants and centipedes; silverfish; flea and ticks; and many more.

This product should be kept away from the eyes and skin in order to maintain proper safety standards. Water should be used to clean it out in the event that it goes into the eye With soap and water, remove it from the skin if it gets on you. It’s best to seek medical attention for any prolonged discomfort.

Orange Guard

Using the Orange Guard might be a great alternative if you’re seeking a solution that kills and repels insects on contact. It is an all-natural pesticide that kills insects on touch and acts as a long-lasting repellant.

d-Limonene, or orange peel extract, is the active component. To get rid of the ants, apply this product, and you won’t have to destroy their nest. As a result, you can defend your property from harmful pests without interfering with nature.

There is no danger to humans or animals because the product is water-based, making it acceptable for use on food. In any case, it may be used both indoors and outdoors. Products containing Orange Guard’s components are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Orange Guard has been approved by the EPA and is available to the general public. It’s effective against all species of ants, including fire ants. It also kills roaches, spider mites, fleas, and much more. It is safe to use in the house to keep ants away, as well as in vegetable gardens to control pests that might harm crops.

Wondercide – Ready to Use Flea, Tick, and Mosquito Yard Spray with Natural Essential Oils

Ready-to-Spray Wondercide is an insecticide that kills ants, fleas, ticks, and other household pests. There’s enough in a 32-ounce jug to cover an area that’s up to 5,000 square feet. Ready-to-Spray Wondercide is an insecticide that kills ants, fleas, ticks, and other household pests. There’s enough in a 32-ounce jug to cover an area that’s up to 5,000 square feet. More than 98% of the product comes from natural sources, and it may be used to treat the entire life cycle, from eggs through adulthood.

When it comes to Wondercide’s effectiveness, its primary constituents are 90% cedar oil and 10% ethyl lactate. Cedar oil is a powerful and effective pesticide that causes the heart rate, movement, and behavior of insects to be controlled by octopamine.

The octopamine neurotransmitter is blocked by the oil, causing the bugs to flee their homes. Insects that come into contact with the spray will be smothered and perish. Because mammals lack octopamine neurotransmitters, the cedar oil has no effect on them.

The product is amazing since it is ready to be sprayed. Unlike concentrated goods, you don’t need to dilute it. Simply buy the product, attach the sprayer, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

In Conclusion

With pet bunnies in the house, you may be wary about using aggressive insecticides to deal with an ant infestation. While it may be difficult at first, with the help of these safe ant killers, you can ultimately get rid of these ants without causing any harm to the rabbits or any other animals in the home.

Your rabbits may be able to stay in your house while you deal with an ant infestation thanks to the usage of such products. 

Check out other items on the market to see what else is available. Always double-check the items’ quality and safety before purchasing. If you search, you may come across several, but not all of them are what they appear to be.

Keep in mind that you do have a bunny that needs a safe place to call home whether it be in the house or out in a cage. 


Shanna is the 2nd half of Top Outdoor Survival. Like Forest, she has a passion for guns and knives. They love to go on a survival trip at least once a year. They love to go camping, hiking, and traveling.

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