Do Chickens Need Water in the Coop at Night?

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It’s a common question among backyard chicken enthusiasts: do chickens need water in the coop at night? The answer is no, chickens do not need water in the coop at night. This is because once it goes dark chickens can’t see and they don’t move from the perch. Read on to learn more about why this is the case and what you can do to make sure your chickens have access to fresh water during the day. 

Chickens and Water

Chickens, like all other animals, need water to survive. In fact, they need water more than they need food. A chicken can go without food for several days, but without water, it will only live for a few hours. That being said, chickens don’t need access to water in their coop at night. This is because once it goes dark Chickens can’t see and they don’t move from the perch.

So, where should you put the water if not in the coop? The answer is in the run area. Chickens should always have access to fresh water within their run area. This way, they can drink whenever they want or need to during the day.

Giving Chickens Access to Water

Chickens need access to water at all times. This means they need a water source in their run and in the areas where they graze. Water is essential for chickens to stay hydrated and healthy.

Water Access in the Run

The first step is to make sure there is a water source in the chicken run. This can be a simple bowl or even a chicken-sized water bottle that you refill as needed. It’s important to have a water source in the run because chickens often drink overnight when they are roosting. If they don’t have access to water, they could become dehydrated and sick.

The best way to make sure your chickens have access to fresh water during the day is to use a watering system like a Nipple Waterer or a Chicken Fountain. These systems allow you to fill them up once and then forget about them until it’s time to refill them again. That way, you know your chickens will always have fresh water and you don’t have to worry about their hydration levels. 

Putting Water Inside a Chicken Coop

Chickens need access to water at all times, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they need water inside the coop. If you can’t let them out early in the morning to access the water, put a water feeder in the coop so they can have easy access to water. Here’s how and why you should put water inside a chicken coop.

Chickens Don’t Need Water at Night

Chickens don’t need water inside the coop during the night unless you can’t let them out early in the morning to access the water. If you can’t let them out, put a water feeder in the coop so they can have easy access to water. Chickens are clumsy and will knock over any bowl of water, so make sure you have a water feeder that is attached to a wall or hanging from the roof.

Water Feeders Are Important for Chickens

Water feeders are important for chickens because they provide a source of clean, fresh water. Water is essential for chickens because it helps with their digestion and keeps them cool in hot weather. Make sure you clean and refill the water feeder regularly so that the water stays fresh and your chickens stay healthy.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, yes, chickens need access to water, but they don’t need it in the coop at night. Put their water in the run area so they can drink it as needed during the day.

Putting water inside a chicken coop is only necessary if you can’t let them out early in the morning to access the water. If you can’t let them out, put a water feeder in the coop so they can have easy access to water. Chickens are clumsy and will knock over any bowl of water, so make sure you have a water feeder that is attached to a wall or hanging from the roof.


Shanna is the 2nd half of Top Outdoor Survival. Like Forest, she has a passion for guns and knives. They love to go on a survival trip at least once a year. They love to go camping, hiking, and traveling.

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