Should You Get a Rooster? The Complete Guide

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So, you’re thinking about getting backyard chickens. That’s great! Chickens are fun, low-maintenance pets that can provide you with fresh eggs. But before you run out and buy a dozen chicks, there’s one important question you need to ask yourself: do you want a rooster?

Roosters have distinct personalities and can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, they’re beautiful animals with impressive plumage. They also crow—a lot. If you live in a rural area, this might not be a big deal. But if you live in close proximity to your neighbors, they might not appreciate being woken up by the sound of a rooster crowing at the crack of dawn.

Another thing to consider is that roosters can be aggressive. If you have young children or other pets, you might want to think twice about getting a rooster. They have sharp claws and beaks that they’re not afraid to use if they feel threatened. And since they’re naturally territorial animals, they might try to attack anyone who comes near their flock—including you!

Do You Need a Rooster?

In order to get eggs from your backyard chickens, you don’t necessarily need a rooster. Hens will lay eggs regardless of whether or not there’s a rooster around. So, if fresh eggs are your main goal, you can save yourself the hassle (and potential danger) of dealing with a rooster by simply getting hens.

However, there are some benefits to having a rooster as well. For one thing, they help protect the flock from predators. Roosters are always on the lookout for danger, and they’ll sound the alarm if they see anything suspicious lurking around. They’ll also defend their flock against intruders—even if those intruders are just curious neighborhood cats or dogs.

Another benefit of having a rooster is that they help keep hens healthy and productive. Roosters will mate with hens, which helps stimulate their egg production. They also help keep hens from pecking each other by establishing a hierarchy within the flock. In short, having a rooster around can make your hens happier and more productive.

Pro’s and Con’s of Getting a Rooster

Chickens are becoming increasingly popular pets. They’re low maintenance, provide fresh eggs and are generally very amusing to watch. But should you get a rooster? To help you decide, let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of having a male chicken in your flock.

The Pros of Getting a Rooster

A lot of people think that roosters are nothing but trouble. They crow all day, they can be aggressive, and they don’t lay eggs. So why would anyone want a rooster? Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few reasons to have a rooster in your flock. Here are just a few of the pros of getting a rooster.

Protect Your Flock

One of the most important jobs of a rooster is to protect the flock from predators. Roosters are always on the lookout for danger, and they’ll sound the alarm at the first sign of trouble. This gives the hens time to get to safety and also alerts you that there may be a predator in the area.

Keep the Pecking Order Under Control

In any flock, there’s going to be a pecking order. This is the hierarchy that determines which chicken gets to eat first, drink from the water bowl first, and so on. Without a rooster, this pecking order is determined by whoever is biggest and strongest. But with a rooster around, he’ll establish himself at the top of the pecking order and keep things under control. This can help reduce fighting and bullying within the flock.

Fertilizes Eggs

If you want your hens to lay fertile eggs that can be hatched into chicks, you need a rooster. It’s as simple as that! Without a rooster, your hens’ eggs will not be fertilized, and they will not hatch. So if you’re looking to expand your flock or simply want some baby chicks running around, you’ll need to get yourself a rooster.

The Cons of Getting a Rooster

A lot of people think that having a rooster is all fun and games. They envision a picturesque farm scene with the rooster strutting around and crowing to his heart’s content. While there is an element of truth to this idyllic image, there are also some not-so-fun realities that come along with keeping a rooster.

The Crowing

One of the most well-known cons of having a rooster is the crowing. Roosters are known for their early morning crow, which can be quite loud and annoying. If you live in close proximity to your neighbors, they may not appreciate being woken up at the crack of dawn every day. In addition, if you have young children or light sleepers in your household, the crowing can also be disruptive.

The Aggression

Another downside to owning a rooster is the aggression. Roosters can be very territorial and protective of their hens. This means that they may attack other animals or even people who come near their flock. If you have young children or other pets, this could be a problem. Also, if you have a lot of guests over, they might not like getting attacked by your rooster.

The Cost

Another consideration is the cost. Although roosters are usually less expensive than hens, they still require food and shelter, just like any other chicken. In addition, if you live in an area where roosters are not allowed, you may have to pay fines or even have your bird confiscated if he is found out!

You Might Not Be Allowed to Keep a Rooster in Your Area

Another thing to bear in mind is that, in some areas, it’s not actually legal to keep a rooster, so it’s important to check with your local authorities before getting one. This isn’t usually an issue if you live in a rural area, but if you live in an urban area, it might be something you need to take into account.

Not Necessary for Egg Production

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a rooster in order for your hens to lay eggs. In fact, most commercial egg operations do not keep roosters at all because they are unnecessary for egg production. If you’re looking to add chickens to your backyard flock primarily for egg production, you can save yourself the hassle (and noise) of keeping a rooster by sticking with hens only.

Are Chickens Happier with a Rooster?

While a rooster can be helpful in some ways, he is not necessary for the happiness or health of your flock. If you are interested in breeding chickens, then you will need a rooster. Otherwise, he is not required.

The main purpose of a rooster is to mate with the hens and produce fertilized eggs. If you are not interested in breeding chickens, then you do not need a rooster. The rooster will also protect the flock from predators and will often take the lead when it comes to foraging for food. However, this does not mean that the hens are helpless without him. Hens are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves and their chicks.

Some people believe that a rooster is necessary to keep the peace within the flock. This is because the roosters set up a hierarchy in the flock and often fight with each other to show who the boss is. However, this fighting can also happen between hens. In general, as long as there is enough food and water for everyone, chickens will get along just fine without a rooster.

In Conclusion

Should You Get a Rooster? It Depends! There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to deciding whether or not to get a rooster for your backyard flock. It ultimately comes down to what’s best for your situation. If fresh eggs are your main goal, stick with hens. But if you’re looking for an animal that will help protect and care for your flock, then getting a rooster might be the way to go.


Shanna is the 2nd half of Top Outdoor Survival. Like Forest, she has a passion for guns and knives. They love to go on a survival trip at least once a year. They love to go camping, hiking, and traveling.

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