Survival Tips for Different Geographical Zones: What to Know

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Everyone is aware that the world has many different geographical zones, and in each of these areas there are many different people groups. While the majority of people live in and around cities, there are also millions of people that live in other areas. As the terrain changes, so do the skills needed to survive in an emergency situation.

Obviously, the list of items you need for survival will change depending on where you live. If you live in a remote location, it is important to have the supplies and the knowledge that you need to survive. Let’s check out the different geographical zones you might find yourself in and some tips on how to survive them.

Urban Survival

Urban survival is a huge topic among many people these days. Understanding that millions of people live in large cities such as Chicago, New York, Las Angeles, Miami, Philadelphia, and Seattle means that proper time needs to be given to urban survival tips. In these areas, it is very unlikely that every person will be able to leave the city in the event of a crisis or emergency.

This is why it is important to have a plan in place and to know what you would need to do if you were stuck in the city.

Here are a couple of things you really need to start preparing for urban survival:

  • Bug Out Bag: Well-stocked in case you have no choice but to leave the city.
  • Weapons and Ammo: Be prepared for urban raids and violence.
  • Food Supplies: A minimum of 3 months of food and water is essential.
  • Medical Supplies: Stock up on prescription meds, antibiotics, and first aid.
  • Container Garden: An active container garden producing new food is a great way to be prepared for a disaster in an urban setting.

The bottom line is that you need to be prepared mentally and physically for anything that might come your way. If you live in an urban area, start preparing now for the possibility of being stuck in the city.

Mountain Survival

Additionally, there is also a need to understand how to survive in a region such as the Rocky Mountains or the Appalachian Mountains. This terrain will pose many problems. When the potential for serious weather is added to the scenario, it becomes very important for you and your family to have the skills and the know-how to properly care for each other.

Here are some ways to increase your chances of survival in the mountains:

  • Weather Gear: warm clothing, afghans, and a source of heat indoors.
  • Food Supplies: a minimum of 3 months of food and plenty of seeds to plant.
  • Medical Supplies: first aid kits, antibiotics, herb garden to grow essentials
  • Weapons and Ammo: For hunting and protecting your supplies.
  • Fire starters and supplies for outdoor cooking.

Dealing with the cold and the potential of being cut off from the rest of the world is just a couple of things you will need to be prepared for. If you live in or near a mountainous region, make sure you have a plan and the supplies needed to help you and your family survive.

Desert Survival

What about the person who lives in a desert environment? Cities such as Palm Springs or even Las Vegas are situated directly in the middle of a vast desert. The skills that you will need in this environment are very different from the skills that you would use if you were surviving in the Everglades. Getting out the heat of the day in a cool, comfortable environment is crucial. You will need to have a plan for getting water and food, as well as staying hydrated and keeping your skin protected from the sun.

Here are some things you should consider for desert survival:

  • Water Source: This is the very first thing you need to be working on.
  • Food Supplies: Growing your own food is tough in hard soil, so stock up.
  • Weather Gear: Appropriate clothing for your local climate
  • Bug Out Bag: In case you need to get out of town quickly.
  • Medical Supplies: first aid kit, antibiotics, herbal remedies

Dealing with the heat in a desert can be very difficult, but it is possible. If you live in a desert environment, make sure you have the supplies and the knowledge that you need to survive.

Coastal Survival

Speaking of our water-loving friends, what about a disaster scenario that affects those living close to large bodies of water, such as an ocean or even a swamp? In this particular location, your needs are going to change with the tide. Having the proper gear and the right survival tips could be the difference between living and dying.

Here are some things you may need in a survival situation while on the coast.

  • Bug Out Bag: this is essential because you may need to get out quickly.
  • Bug Repellant: Mosquitoes are rampant on the coast and carry disease.
  • Food Supplies: A minimum of 3 months’ worth of food stored plus seeds
  • Fresh Water Source: stock up and make a plan in case you run out.
  • Weapons and Ammo: for hunting and protection
  • Fishing Supplies: for catching your meals

Dealing with the potential for hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters is a real concern for those living on the coast. If you live in this type of environment, it is important to have a plan and the supplies that you need to help you survive.

Flatland Survival

There are hundreds of thousands of acres of land directly in the middle of our country known as the grasslands or the prairie. In many of these locations, there is no ready-made water source and there are no caves to hide in. This location can be very formidable if you do not have the skills to traverse the land or to gather the materials that you need.

Here are some things you should consider for flatland survival:

  • Shelter: Consider a sturdy underground shelter for weather emergencies.
  • Weapons and ammo: To use for protection and hunting.
  • Water: Find a water source and stock up on water supplies.
  • Food Supplies: minimum of months of food plus seeds

Grasslands can be a very difficult place to survive if you are not prepared. If you live in this type of environment, it is important to have the supplies and the knowledge that you need to help you survive.


No matter where you live, it is important to be prepared for anything that might come your way. Whether it is an urban area, a mountain region, or a desert environment, the best way to be prepared is to have a plan and the supplies that you need to survive.

The most important thing to remember is that you need to have a plan. No matter where you live, what type of environment

Obviously, you know where you live. The real question is if you have given thought to the needs that your geographical location will bring up? Have you documented the water sources? Are you familiar with the lay of the land? Do you have a clear understanding of the types of plants and animals that you could encounter in your environment?

With a little forethought and planning, you can ensure you have a location-based survival plan to keep your family safe when disaster strikes.


Shanna is the 2nd half of Top Outdoor Survival. Like Forest, she has a passion for guns and knives. They love to go on a survival trip at least once a year. They love to go camping, hiking, and traveling.

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